AmigaOS3.5 (303/967)

From:Duane A. Miller
Date:9 May 2000 at 18:03:17
Subject:Re: 3.5 Inch IDE drive install

Hello Colin,

That is a really good explanation, even I could understand it, but could you
go a step further. I have a 2 gig HD but would like to get something a little
bigger. When I originally got this drive I made the boot partition small so I
would have plenty of space for other things. My boot is 30 megs, and with 3.5
it is packed. In fact I had to delete a lot of fonts to get everything to
fit. I was wondering if I could disconect my CD-Rom drive, hook up another
HD, and do all the work on it, copy the old to the new, then disconnect the
old drive, reconect the CD-Rom, and have everything working. Thanks for the

On 09-May-00, you wrote:

>Hi , On 09-May-00, wrote:
>Hi ,> Does anyone have a straight foward explanation on the addition or
>Hi ,> install of 3.5 IDE drives of unlimited size ?
>Hi ,> Current drives are running upto 40.9 gig, and may rise further.
>Hi ,> Assuming that I were to use the internal interface on a 1200 after
>Hi ,> installing 3.5 - what steps would be recommended. I am aware that the
>Hi ,> boot partition needs to be below the 8 gig barrier. Does someone have
>Hi ,> a straight foward install procedure for large disks ?
>Hi ,>
>Hi ,
>Hi , Here is the proceedure, step by step......................
>Hi ,
>Hi , Connect up the drive (as master) & your cd drive (as slave)
>Hi , & boot on a standard *wb3.1* "Install" disk.
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi , 1) Run WB3.1 HDToolbox & select "Change Drive Type".
>Hi ,
>Hi , 2) Select "Define New" & then "Read Config"
>Hi , Don't worry about the numbers (they will be all wrong).
>Hi , Select "OK" & "OK".
>Hi ,
>Hi , 3) Now go into "Partition Drive"
>Hi ,
>Hi , 4) If it sets up 2 partitions by default, at this time use the
>Hi , left most partition only...
>Hi , Just leave the other one where it is.......
>Hi ,
>Hi , Drag the slider (triangle) all the way back to the left.
>Hi , Then bring it up slowly in small steps until it reads 500Mb
>Hi , (or whatever size your Boot partition is to be)
>Hi ,
>Hi , *DO NOT GO UP PAST 4gig*, otherwise the numbers will go crazy
>Hi , & you have exceeded the 32 bit boundary...
>Hi ,
>Hi , 5) Once you have selected the boot partition size
>Hi , at the first part of the drive, give it a name, like: WB3
>Hi ,
>Hi , 6) Click on "Advanced Options", tick "Bootable".
>Hi ,
>Hi , 7) Select "Change" & tick "FastFileSystem" and
>Hi , "International Mode" and *NOT* "Directory Cache".
>Hi ,
>Hi , 8) Change the Blocksize to 1024, and the MaxTransfer
>Hi , to: 0x1fe00 that's zero-F-1-F-E-zero-zero
>Hi , Click on OK.
>Hi ,
>Hi , 9) Go into "Add/Update" & select "update filesystem"
>Hi , L:FastFileSystem should appear.... Click OK, OK.
>Hi ,
>Hi , 10) Click OK, again, then Click "SAVE Changes to drive".
>Hi ,
>Hi , 11) Exit the program, it will want to reboot.....
>Hi ,
>Hi , 12) When you boot back up on the floppy, the WB3 icon should
>Hi , appear.. Format it from WB with FFS & INTL mode only...
>Hi ,
>Hi , 13) Install 3.1 from the floppies.......
>Hi , When finished, remove the disk & reboot.
>Hi , You will then boot up on the HD..... !!!
>Hi ,
>Hi , Now, before you ask, the rest of the HD (or past the 4gig mark)
>Hi , can only be partitioned *AFTER* you have wb3.5 installed.
>Hi ,
>Hi , You will have to get the CD rom working first.
>Hi ,
>Hi , After you have installed WB3.5 & BoingBag1.
>Hi , *Then & only then,* can you partition the rest of the drive....
>Hi ,
>Hi , Do steps 3 onwards again....
>Hi ,
>Hi , or you will invalidate it.....
>Hi , Just add more partitions in the high area.
>Hi ,
>Hi , Have fun.....
>Hi ,
>Hi , -------------------------------------
>Hi , Colin Wenzel. Australia.
>Hi ,
>Hi , EMAIL:
>Hi , URL:
>Hi , ICQ: 17608330
>Hi , AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
>Hi , OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.
>Hi , ---------------------------------------
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi , ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Hi , You have a voice mail message waiting for you at
>Hi ,
>Hi , ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi ,


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